Ho Ho Ho – H3 at Christmas.

December is a unique month in business and at home. People become focussed on the festive season from the beginning of November, thinking, planning, reminiscing and rejoicing. Parties are arranged, presents bought, family gatherings around the Christmas lunch are discussed.

One of the things that is more difficult to plan for is possible health problems arising. Without being the bah humbug type of person, it must be said that Christmas may not be the healthiest time of the year.

Merry Christmas H3

Some people will end up with damaged limbs from falling, as the weather brings cold icy conditions and streets are still busy late at night as we head home in the early hours. Christmas presents lying around have been known to cause people to trip and hurt themselves.

Diets are put on hold for a couple of weeks, and the lure of that extra portion can result in indigestion or other digestion related problems. The wine and liqueurs are great when sitting at the table but may cause a balancing problem or two.

Small children can find ways of using those new toys in a manner they were not designed for, and pieces of toys often end up in the nasal passage or ears.

One way to feel more comfortable and reassured around Christmas is by having a H3 Health Insurance policy. By having a direct relationship with Private Casualty at Kingsbridge Hospital as well as direct access to top consultants and specialists, H3 Health Insurance helps you get the examination and treatment you need, when you need it.

For businesses with H3 Health Insurance, we can help your employees get back to work more quickly if they need medical treatment during the holidays. If you are a policy holder remind those that are covered that they can call H3 Health Insurance, and make sure that they have the number to call if necessary.

The H3 Health Insurance Call Centre is open every day except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.