The Misconceptions about private medical insurance

Warning: You’ve Probably Got the Wrong Idea About Private Medical Insurance


Most people have a preconceived idea about private medical insurance: Is it worth the cost? What do you actually get for your money? But with an increased strain on the NHS in Northern Ireland and some significant benefits to the health of you and your family – it’s time to rethink!


Myth 1: It’s bad for the NHS

While we’re lucky, in Northern Ireland, to be able to take advantage of the NHS and free healthcare, private medical insurance can help ease some of the burden on the NHS. 

With private health insurance  you can contribute to cutting NHS waiting lists, because you’ll be seen by a medical specialist straight away and won’t need to be on a waiting list. This includes access to private casualty should a medical emergency happen.

Private medical insurance can help cut NHS waiting lists and overcrowding in hospitals and A&E departments – by referring people to private facilities.


Myth 2: Why pay when you can get it for free?

In short, a private medical insurance policy allows you to be seen by a medical specialist straight away, giving you faster access to diagnosis, referral, treatment and of course, recovery.

If you have private medical insurance, you can get diagnosed and treated quickly through faster referrals from your GP to a medical specialists in a private hospital.

The recovery process is also vital. With private medical insurance you can enjoy five star facilities in a  private hospital.

In the cases of non-emergency surgery, you could be waiting up to 18 weeks from referral to treatment when using the NHS.


Myth 3: The claims process is difficult

It doesn’t have to be! With claims managed locally from start to finish in Northern Ireland, the whole process can take less time and is less hassle. If your insurance claim is well-managed, you can cut the time that you have to wait for a GP to refer you to a consultant, as well as cutting down the time it takes to see a consultant. If a consultant then goes on to recommend surgery. Private medical insurance can cover any hospitalisation costs including surgery and accommodation.


Myth 4: There aren’t enough benefits to warrant the cost

This depends on what price you put on your health and the health of those you love. For example you could get stand alone Kids cover from as little as 50p per day.This would cover specialist appointments, diagnostic tests and scans, private casualty cover and many other health benefits. The stress of waiting in crowded A&E departments or waiting weeks and even months for diagnosis and treatment would be taken away.

For strains, sprains, breaks or wounds you’ll see a specialist straight away and have access to faster treatment.

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To find out more about a private medical insurance package to suit your needs call 02890 469990  or make an enquiry here